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Florastor: The #1 Probiotic Supplement Worldwide

Florastor – the number one probiotic supplement worldwide.

Now that is one tall claim from the manufacturers of this probiotic supplement. BUT as we all know, many supplements sold out there claim this and prove nothing! Is the Florastor probiotic supplement up to the task? Can it really deliver? I’m sure those are the questions lingering at the back of your head, and here’s the answer to that – YES!

You see, from different tests and studies worldwide, Florastor has been demonstrated to be safe and very effective, especially when it comes to delivering the probiotics that your body needs to keep in tip top shape. That explains why this dietary supplement has enjoyed extensive international use for well over 50 years.

Florastor – My Experience With This Probiotic Supplement
You see, I have been suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome just in case you don’t know) as well as intestinal malabsorption, all thanks to the SIBO (that’s Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) I was suffering from. With that in mind, I need to regularly supplement myself with highly effective probiotics to restore the floral balance I was once enjoying.

Unfortunately, many of the probiotic supplements I have tried in the past are ineffective. While some of them delivered relief, they did NOT provide the results I was looking for. Some of them didn’t make any difference at all. HOWEVER, that is NOT the case with Florastor. Matter of fact, this is the only probiotic supplement that I found to be effective for my situation. It far surpasses most probiotic aids I have found at the local food store and buying coop and club.

Heck! When it comes to effectiveness and strength of the probiotics, Florastor could rival more expensive brands like VSL #3. Indeed, the Florastor probiotic supplements is leaps and bounds above most probiotic supplements and prescribed medicines when it comes to providing relief against digestive problems and disorders. Not to mention it comes at a price that doesn’t bore a hole in your pocket.

Aside from that, Florastor can be taken even without the supervision or advice of a physician unlike VSL #3, which is considered to be more of a medical food that is used to treat IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s disease, and everything in between (including ulcerative colitis). That makes Florastor probiotic supplement a solid and affordable option for most people.

Two other niceties that I really love would be the fact that Florastor does not require refrigeration. Well, the fact that it doesn’t take up extra space on the fridge is not much of a huge deal. However, this comes handy when you are travelling or would like to take potent probiotics while you’re at work.

Along with that, every capsule in the Florastor package are vegetarian capsules. This is perfect for vegans who do not want even a trace of animal-based gelatin in the food they eat and dietary supplements.

There is just one minor quibble I have with it. The packaging that my first order of Florastor probiotics came with is somewhat sub par. The labels are partially peeling, the seal was damaged a bit (which is not a problem since it doesn’t need refrigeration), and the bottle itself is a little faded. It’s not really an issue, BUT it’s a surprising for a product that is otherwise such high in quality.

Aside from that though, I would say that Florastor probiotic supplements are highly recommended!

Reviews & Comments

  1. Arline Larson says:

    I’ve been taking Florastor for several months now. It helps a lot with IBS but I do have a day about once a week that is not controlled with the Florastor

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